Business Checking

Value Checking for Business
This account rewards you for maintaining a low, $2,000 average daily balance by waiving all per-item fees (both deposits and checks paid) as well as the $5 monthly service fee. You’ll also receive:
- Business Online Banking & Bill Pay
- Business Mobile Banking & Mobile Deposit
- Mobile Card Controls
- Business debit cards
- Generous earnings credit allowances
- Unlimited deposit insurance between the FDIC and DIF
Checking for Non-Profits & Others
We also offer an interest-bearing checking account with no monthly service fee or per-items fees for non-profit organizations, sole proprietorships, associations, governmental units and trust funds.
And, for lawyers who administer client funds, we have our IOLTA (Interest on Lawyers Trust Account). It has no monthly service fee or per-items fees, and matches the rate of our highest yielding, tiered-rate deposit product.
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Positive pay helps protect your business from fraud, while simplifying account reconciliation and corporate reporting.